Sunday, July 27, 2008

Krushi movie review

Starring: Yashwant,Suhani
Director: Sivaji Prasad
Music: Rajkiran

Story:Its an old story with new look.Hero belongs to old family.He is good at studies.He was getting missedcalls regularly,but he is unable to indentify the person.Heroin father(Surya) came to know that his daughter loves hero yaswanth.Surya make situations that that village decided to send out yashwant family out o village.After that hero decides that with their poorness only their family in that situation.So therafter he studied hard and settld well and made surya to realize his mistake.

Performance:Yshwant and suhani justified their characters.Surya did well in his cercumstances.

Movie ok.

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