Friday, July 11, 2008

Hancock movie story/Review

Another good movie from will smith is HANCOCK.This movie already collected 800crore Rs in Hollywood.This movie going to be release in telugu,Hindi and Tamil versions soon.Story of the film was Hancock is the person name(will smith).He adopted to drinking.Once in some situation he will get some magical powers.He is using his powers for unnesecessary things that make funny things.Once he want relation with one women who she is wife of one personal relationship officer.Then he is arrested by the police.Later he will be released by the police to help the govt with his magical powers.In this movie there is some situations like train is comming around 200km speed and it hits the hancock,what we can expect is wroung,that train will become pieces because of his powers.In the movie one heavy weight shark reaches the bank of the ocean.Hancock throus that one into middle of the sea and he will claimb tallest buildings in the world.these all makes interesting in the movie.After his last movie the last legend this is another good hit for him.He is successful at Hollywood boxoffice once again.

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