Sunday, April 4, 2010

'Sadhyam’ Review

Film: Sadhyam
Banner: KBC Productions
Cast: Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani, Tanikella Bharani, Keerthi Chawla, Kota, Pragathi, Jackie, Munna Venu and others
Music: Chinni Charan
Cinematography: Maro Palini
Editing: Goutham Raju
Director: Karthikeya Gopalakrishna
Producers: Kumar Brothers
Release date: 5th March 2010

The onscreen hot pair of Jagapathi Babu and Priyamani is back and this time, they have promised a very different treat. How different it was and whether it worked or not let us see Suhani (Priyamani) is a timid girl afraid of everything and the reason for that happens to be her past. An incident gets her to save a man (Tanikella) and as a return favor, he gives her his revolver and asks her to go and kill the person that she has hated the most. Suhani goes to kill Anitha (Keerthi) her best friend and fails, then she goes to kill her lover Sandeep (Jagapathi) and fails. Why she wants to kill them, why she fails and whether she kills them or not forms the rest of the story. Jagapathi Babu has done his role as required but nothing different than the regular. He still manages to look handsome and fresh but honestly, his character was shallow and lacked depth. Sad to see a talented actress like Priyamani taking up such roles, her well toned body was used to the fullest by the makers to give a visual feast to the front benchers but no work on her performance aspect. Tanikella has good screen presence though brief and he has got some clear diction in dialogue delivery and elegant performance.

Keerthi Chawla needs to work on her flab and her expressions as well. Though she looks confident, there are other aspects which can give her a better score. Kota was regular, Pragathi was usual, Nalla Venu came and went, same with Jackie and the villain. As such, there is nothing that the others have got to contribute to make this film effective. It’s director’s direct torture from screen. How can he show an innocent and fearful girl in the sexiest way possible with all short dresses? The openings are pretty good and thanks to Priyamani’s posters and Jagapathi Babu’s presence on screen. But a debut director has lost a good opportunity with confused plot and erratic direction. This became evident at the beginning of first song ‘Ayyo Rama…’. There is no lead sequence to that beautiful song. Many expected that hit number will be placed amidst lots of humor. But it has gone in serious track not getting connected to audiences. Too many flash back episodes bewildered the audience.
Songs are good and lyricist Chinni Charan proved that he has mettle in giving contemporary music that soothes the senses of youngsters and music lovers. But the effort became waste. Jagapathi Babu and Priyamani should have thought twice before Okaying this script. Their seniority couldn’t help the novice director. Although dialogues are sensible, they couldn’t get right attention—just like tasty cherries on rotten pastry!!

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